Curriculum – PK3

We Believe Scripture has great meaning for life today
Begin to understand the Bible is the holy book that talks about God and creation
The early history of the Church has a profound impact on the current church today
Begin to understand the Bible as a the book which contains the stories of God’s creation and Jesus’ life
The doctrine and dogma of the church are found in the Creedal statements
Begin to understand that Jesus came to live on earth because He wanted to share God’s love with us
Begin to understand that Jesus is God and man, Son of God and Son of Mary
Listen to the stories of Jesus who died on the Cross for us, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven.
The Trinity is revealed to all people in the person, word, and works of Jesus
Repeat the Sign of the Cross
Become familiar with and show reverence for the names of the three Divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit
We Worship Sacraments are important moments in the life of the community, especially the centrality of the Eucharist
Begin to understand the definition of a Sacrament
Recognize that Baptism is a sacrament
Begin to understand that Jesus loves us always and forgives us
The Eucharistic Liturgy (the Mass) is the communal celebration of the Paschal Mystery in which each person is called to full and active participation
Experience Mass where we worship and thank God
Associate the parish priest with the Mass and be able to identify what he does within the Church
Begin to recite grade level Mass responses
Begin to identify the altar, chalice, tabernacle, and crucifix
We Pray Catholic prayer and traditions are an important aspect of the life of the church
Begin to understand that prayer is talking to God
Listen to and participate in prayers and recognize that prayer is important
Spend time with God in prayer
Recognize that we pray at home, school, and church
We Live Discuss how God loves each person by understanding how people love each other
Begin to associate happiness and joy with loving and being close to God and other people
Name times when we can ask God to help us obey our parents and treat others with respect
The seven key principles of the Catholic social teachings can be applied to personal and societal situations
Begin to recongize the word virtue as doing good things
Show the importance of sharing and respecting classroom material and school resources
We Are God’s Family Each person is drawn to God who, in creating them, has placed a desire for happiness in their hearts
Begin to understand that God created me, others and all I see because he loves us
The Church is the People of God, the Body of Christ, and the Community of Faith
Begin to understand that Sunday is an important day to be with God and go to Church
The church expresses basic principles of Catholic teaching on the family
Understand that Jesus grew up in a loving family
Begin to understand Mary as part of the Holy Family
Social Emotional Respect and respond to others in an appropriate manner
Participate in small and large group activities
Help take care of environment and school (i.e. care for toys, supplies, classroom, etc.)
Develop friendships with peers in class
Gain understanding and is respectful of others’ personal space and group spaces
Express feelings and disappointments appropriately
Mantain interest in activity with distractions present
Finish work that was started
Have a “can do” attitude
Stays focused in a small group setting
Share feelings of pride  (express feeling appropriately in varied situations)
Respond well to enthusasium
Help clean up after activities
Maintain activity or project until complete
Follow directions
Fine & Gross Motor Increasingly develop and refine fine motor skills
Copy horizontal and vertical lines
Copy the shapes: circle and cross
Attempt to color within the lines
Develop scissor skills:
a. place scissors on fingers and hold it
b. open and close scissors
c. snip materials
d. hold paper for cutting
e. cut a 1 1/2″ wide paper in two
f. cut a 5-inch wide paper in two
Thread beads onto string
Be able to assemble simple age-appropriate puzzles
Be able to build a tower with 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 blocks
Be able to manipulate small pieces: zippers, buttons, and snaps
Use small manipulatives with increasing strength and dexterity
Draw a person with some body parts
Be able to paint, paste, glue, and play with play dough and clay
Trace numerals 1-10
Increasingly develop and refine gross motor skills
Increase strength and dexterity for upper extremities
Reading Apply early reading skills: interests in books and reading, book handling skills, pretend to read easy or predictable books, comprehend and repond to text, develop sense of the story
Use concepts of print: recognize their name and find their name in a group, recognize environmental print and symbols, letter recognition of uppercase and some lowercase, and recognize that print represents spoken words
Use phonological awareness: learning rhymes, simple songs, poems, fingerplays, participate in word games, and discriminate sounds in words
Writing Use writing as a means of expression and communication
Use scribbles, shapes, pictures, and letter-like forms to write
Experiment with writing tools and materials
Tell others about marks and intended meaning of drawing or writing
Use a variety of resources to facilitate writing
Develop pre-writing skills
Copy letters from their name (upper or lower)
Draw/write with increasing control (watch for dexterity, precision & control, coordination, grasp of instrument)
Develop pencil grasp
Speaking & Listening Represent feelings and ideas through a variety of ways: pretend play, movement, music, art, and construction
Listen for different purposes: to others, to sounds in environment, complex sentences, following directions, to stories and books responsively, and engage in coversations with others
Use language to communicate: through body language, verbally or gestures in home language, and initiate conversations with children and adults
Develop and expand expressive and receptive language: to acquire vocabulary, to be understood by others, and use complete sentences of varying lengths
Number Sense Use numbers to show quantity
Show interest in counting and quantity
Participate in experiences that involve counting
Develop an increasing ability to rote count in sequence to 10
Count up to 8 objects with understanding
Uses language to represent number of objects
Combine and name how many
Separate and name how many
Use language to compare number (i.e. more/less, greater/fewer, equal to)
Solve problem using numbers
Name how many there are in a group (up to eight objects)
Use one-to-one correspondence when counting objects
Use one-to-one correspondence to compare the size of a group of objects
Relationships & Algebraic Thinking Use language to represent number of objects
Combine and separate groups and name how many
Use numerical representations
Use drawings to represent number
Geometry, Measurement, & Data Make comparisons using measurement
Explore, compare, and describe objects using measurable features
Order three or more objects according to length or size differences
Investigate positions and locations
Take apart, create, and build
Use actions and words to indicate position, location, movement, and orientation
Explore shapes in the environment
Investigate and talk about the characteristics of shapes
Identify and trace shapes and symbols (line, x, circle, square, triangle)
Demonstrate an understanding of time through classroom routine
Verbally name the days of the week by rote and by cueing from a calendar or song
Physical Science Explore physical properties of objects and materials using senses and simple tools
Investigate properties of objects and materials through questions and experiments
Solve problems involving physical properties of objects and materials
Represent observations of the physical world in a variety of ways: pretend play, music and movement, art and construction, and conversation
Life Science Explores characteristics of living things through senses
Investigate characteristics of living things through questions and collecting information
Solve problems related to living things
Represent observations about living things in a variety of ways: pretend play, music and movement, art and construction, and conversation
Earth & Space Science Explore properties of earth and sky using senses and simple tools
Investigate properties of earth and sky through questions and experiments
Solve problems involving earth and sky
Represent observations about earth and sky in a variety of ways: pretend play, music and movement, art and construction, and conversation
Civics Identify reasons for rules in the home/school/classroom
Articulate questions about the classroom and school communities
Retell and explain personal history
Describe fair ways for groups to make decisions
Articulate ways to peacefully resolve conflicts
Demonstrate fairness when sharing classroom and playground equipment
Name family members, including grandparents, and their roles and responsibilities
Show interest in community and culture
Take turns and listen to peers who are talking during group time
Name community workers, their jobs, and tools of their trade
Identify our country’s flag and its characteristics (colors, stars, stripes)
Practice reciting the Pledge of Allegiance as a class
Economics Identify the difference between wants and needs
Name objects one buys at a store in exchange for money
Geography Name the town/city in which one lives and name one’s school
History Describe the contributions of people associated with holidays
Use words to show time order such as before, now, later
Create Show visual interest and engagement in surroundings
Show an interest in mark making and creative art
Explore and experiment with a range of media through sensory exploration and using whole body
Use a range of materials and media to represent an idea
Use creative art to express thoughts, feelings, experiences, or knowledge
Create Explore and experience a variety of music, especially Catholic Christian songs
Explore musical ideas (such as movements, vocalizations, or instrumental accompaniments)
Perform Sing and dance to a variety of songs
Perform music with expression
Apply teacher feedback to refine performances
Repeat patterns using instruments (i.e. rhythmic sticks)
Respond State personal interests and communicate why they prefer some music selections over others
Respond to musical contrasts in songs (i.e. changes in harmony and rhythm)
Connect Explore how music brings joy to daily life
Begin to understand that music is a gift from God
Movement & Manipulative Skills Demonstrate gross motor skills with purpose
Demonstrate fine motor skills with purpose
Strategy & Applying Skills Respond to sensory input to function in the environment  (i.e. body awareness, spatial awareness)
Health & Fitness Practice healthy behaviors (i.e. finish healthy food before eating treats, demonstrate self-care and independence in restroom, use kleenex, etc.)
Attitude & Behavior Practice safe behaviors while playing with peers (i.e. follow playground rules, be gentle, stay with class when moving through the building/campus, etc.)
Follow classroom rules and procedures
Novice-Low: With significant teacher support, by 2nd grade, student can…
Communication Engage in conversations, providing and obtaining information in the target language
Recite the Sign of the Cross and Hail Mary
Use courtesies, greetings, and salutations in appropriate situations (orally and basic, simple writing)
Ask and respond to basic questions using interrogative words and vocabulary (orally and basic, simple writing)
Recite alphabet letter names and their sounds as a class in consecutive order
Engage in basic conversations in target language.
Comprehension Understand written and spoken text in the target language on a variety of topics
Recognize familiar words, phrases, and questions (written and spoken) with visual/contextual support and by applying prior knowledge
Listen to age and level-appropriate reading passages in target language with visual/contextual support and by applying prior knowledge
Respond to basic classroom commands and questions given in the target language
Listen to native speech of the target language and discuss topics, words, and sounds from the spoken text
Vocabulary Acquisition Demonstrate understanding of target vocabulary by using words and phrases correctly during class discussions, conversations, and sentence formation
Vocabulary Topics:
cardinal numbers 0-30
classroom objects
basic affirmative, familiar commands (interpret and apply them)
singular possessive adjectives
descriptive adjectives
interrogative words
definite and indefinite articles
Geography & Culture Demonstrate understanding of different cultures by learning about traditions, perspectives, and daily life in countries where the target language is spoken
Identify major traditional holidays and/or events celebrated in countries where the target language is spoken
Discuss aspects of traditions, perspectives, and daily life in countries where the target language is spoken
Discuss similarities and differences of target language and one’s own native language
Grammar Concepts Demonstrate knowledge of conventions of standard grammar of the target language when writing and speaking
Identify gender of nouns and adjectives
Use the verbs “I am” and “I have” in simple sentences orally
Conjugate the verb “to like” in present tense 1st and 2nd person to express likes and dislikes