Curriculum – 4th Grade

We Believe Scripture has great meaning for life today
Compare and contrast the difference between Hebrew and Christian scripture
Give examples of where the Bible teaches about choices and how to live good lives
Explain the concept of covenant as found in Scripture
The early history of the Church has a profound impact on the current church today
Summarize the Church and its history and analyze its impact on the world
Name the saints and give examples of how they are Christian role models
Evaluate why Mary is the greatest of all saints
The doctrine and dogma of the church are found in the Creedal statements
Identify the four marks of the church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic
Discuss why heaven is unending happiness in the eternal presence of God and that hell is the unending sadness that comes from knowing that one is eternally separated from God (by one’s own choice)
Recognize and discuss the concept that Jesus was both human and divine
The Trinity is revealed to all people in the person, word, and works of Jesus
Describe how there is only one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which is called the Blessed Trinity
Explain how God the Father is all-good, all-holy, and all-knowing
Discuss and show examples of how God the Father creates all things, how Jesus the Son is the Redeemer of the world, and how the Holy Spirit guides each person to follow Jesus
We Worship Sacraments are important moments in the life of the community, especially the centrality of the Eucharist
Explain how the Sacraments bring people closer to God
Discuss how each person shares in God’s life, which is grace, through the celebration of the Sacraments
Describe how through the Sacrament of Baptism each person is called to serve, witness, and proclaim the good news
Describe how, through the Sacrament of the Eucharist, each person is united with all members of God’s family and shares in God’s divine life
Describe how the Sacrament of Reconciliation helps each person to seek God’s forgiveness and reconcile with the community
Explain why the Eucharist is central to Catholic life and the symbol of the reign of God
The Eucharistic Liturgy (the Mass) is the communal celebration of the Paschal Mystery in which each person is called to full and active participation
Explain how in the Eucharistic Liturgy the faithful celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus
List and describe the liturgical ministries (acolyte, lector, Eucharistic minister, greeter…)
Describe how the Eucharistic Liturgy is the central prayer of the Catholic community and how the Church gathers at the Eucharistic Liturgy to celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus
Discuss the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine offered at the Eucharistic Liturgy
We Pray Catholic prayer and traditions are an important aspect of the life of the church
Explain why one needs to show appreciation for the Word of God by listening and responding to it
Experience all forms of prayer: formal, informal, spontaneous, reflective, personal, Jesus prayer, music and movement, guided meditation, and communal
Experience community prayer by praying in a group, attending liturgies or para-liturgies, and visiting the Church
Compose simple prayers and petitions
Recite the liturgical responses and know they are a form of prayer
Explain why the Psalms are important prayers
Know the Apostles Creed and explain what it states about one’s beliefs as a Christian
Participate communally in the tradition of prayers for the Church: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Grace before Meals, Doxology (Glory to the Father…), Act of Contrition, Apostles Creed, the Rosary, Prayer of St. Francis, Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love, and Prayer of the Holy Spirit
We Live Discuss how God loves each person by understanding how people love each other
Explain how each person is created in God’s image and likeness, having intellect (the power to think) and free will (the power to choose)
Explain why sin is the choice to turn away from God, whether by thought, word, action, or omission
Compare and contrast the two types of sin: mortal and venial
Illustrate how the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and God’s Law of Love are guidelines in each person’s formation of conscience
The seven key principles of the Catholic social teachings can be applied to personal and societal situations
Explain that each human being is created in the image and likeness of God and that we are called to treat each person fairly and respectfully
Give examples of how it is our job to help others and defend basic rights
Discuss how each person is an important member of a family, school, parish, and community and how each person is called to participate in and contribute to the well-being of family, parish, and community
Research the contributions that varied world cultures make to society and explain the importance of celebrating one’s cultural and ethnic heritage
Define the term “human rights” and argue for the importance of respecting each person’s human rights
Recall the Ten Commandments and the two great commandments and communicate how they relate to the rights of others
Give examples of how, as followers of Jesus, we are called to share resources with others who are in need, including the young, and how each person can make a difference in bringing about a more just society
Explain why work is positive and an expression of one’s self worth regardless of the job, and how each person is responsible for the gifts and talents God gave them
Know that by virtue of Baptism, every Christian is called to service and that this call is fulfilled through a variety of lifestyles and ministries
Know that it is God’s plan for each person to live in harmony with all people and cultures and that it is each person’s job to help alleviate world problems such as hunger, poverty, and disease
Describe how each person is called to be a caretaker of the earth and list ways to appreciate the world God has given each person, by conserving the resources God created and by living in peace with all peoples and creatures of the earth
We Are God’s Family Each person is drawn to God who, in creating them, has placed a desire for happiness in their hearts
Explain how the Kingdom of God is the saving power of God’s life and love in the world
Know that the Kingdom of God is for everyone
Show how Jesus used parables to tell people how to live for the Kingdom
Explain why sin is the greatest obstacle in each person’s efforts to love God and neighbor
Describe how God’s relationship with people throughout history is based on unconditional love
The Church is the People of God, the Body of Christ, and the Community of Faith
Explain how the Church, as Body of Christ and people of God, is guided by the Holy Spirit and supports all members to live the Gospel
Explain how all members of the Church celebrate the Eucharist, pray, share the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and try to live according to God’s laws
Explain how various cultures celebrate holy days of the Church year
Describe how lay people, priests, religious sisters, religious brothers, and deacons are called by God to reflect God’s love through their special roles in the Church
The church expresses basic principles of Catholic teaching on the family
Explain how each person is created by God to love responsibly and to be loved
Explain and give examples of the importance of family relationships
Use the teachings of the church to justify the need to care for the human body in a respectful manner
Reading Develop and demonstrate reading skills in response to text by:
a. drawing conclusions and inferring by referencing textual evidence
b. drawing conclusions by providing textual evidence
c. monitoring comprehension and making corrections and adjustments when understanding breaks down
Develop an understanding of vocabulary by:
a. determing meaning of academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic root words and their prefixes and suffixes
b. using the context of the sentence to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple-meaning words
c. completing analogies
d. identifying the meaning of common idioms and figurative language
e. using a dictionary or glossary to determine meanings, syllabication, and pronunciation of unknown words
f. using conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases
Explain relevant connections between:
a. text to text
b. text to world
Read independently for multiple purposes over sustained periods of time by:
a. reading text that is developmentally appropriate
b. producing evidence of reading
Read, infer, analyze, and draw conclusions to:
a. summarize and sequence the events/plots and explain how past events impact future events, and identify the theme
b. describe the personality traits of characters from their thoughts, words, and actions
c. describe the interaction of characters, including relationships and how they change
d. compare and contrast the adventures or exploits of characters and their roles
e. compare and contrast the point of view from which stories are narrated; explain whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person
Read, infer, and draw conclusions to explain structural elements of poetry
Read, infer, and draw conclusions to:
a. analyze how characters change from the beginning to the end of a play or film
b. explain structural elements of dramatic literature
Read, infer, and draw conclusions to:
a. use multiple text features to locate information and gain an overview of the contents of text
b. describe the sequence of events, ideas, concepts, or steps needed to carry out a procedure
c. interpret and explain factual information presented graphically
Read, infer, and draw conclusions to:
a. explain similarities and differences between the events and characters’ experiences in a fictional work and the actual events and experiences described in an author’s biography
b. analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about persuasive text; use evidence from the text to explain the author’s purpose; and support the analysis
c. explain how an author uses language to present information to influence what the reader thinks or does
Read, infer, and draw conclusions to:
a. distinguish fact from opinion in a text and explain how to verify what is a fact
b. explain explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts
c. explain author’s purpose
d. compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic
Read to develop an understanding of media and its components by:
a. explaining the positive and negative impacts of advertisement techniques use in various genres of media to impact consumer behavior
b. explaining how various design techniques used in media influence the message
c. comparing various written conventions used for digital media
d. explaining text structures and graphics features of a web page and how they help readers to comprehend text
Develop phonics in the reading process by:
a. decoding words using knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology to read unfamiliar multi-syllabic words in context
b. reading root words, prefixes, and suffixes and important words from specific content curricula
Read apporpriate texts with fluency, with purpose, and for comprehension
a. use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary
Writing Follow a writing process to:
a. select appropriate genre for an audience
b. formulate questions related to the topic
c. access prior knowledge related to the topic
d. use a prewriting strategy
Develop a multiple-paragraph draft that:
a. includes a thesis
b. is organized with topic sentences, supporting details, and conclusion sentences
c. addresses an appropriate audience
Revise a draft to strengthen:
a. main idea
b. sequence of ideas
c. focus
d. orgazational structure
e. word choice
f. sentence structure
g. transitions
h. audience and purpose
i. language conventions
Utilize technology to publish writing
Write opinion texts that:
a. include an intrductory paragraph
b. state an opinion supported by reasons
c. use specific words
d. reference the name of the author of a source
e. use transitions
f. are organized into introductory, supporting, and concluding paragraphs
Write informative texts that:
a. include an introductory paragraph
b. develop the main idea in supporting paragraphs with facts, details, and quotations
c. use specific words
d. contain transitions
e. utilize text structures
f. include a concluding paragraph
Write narratives that:
a. establish a setting and introduce characters
b. use narrative techniques
c. sequences events
d. use a varitety of transitions
e. use specific words
Apply a research process to:
a. generate a list of subject-appropriate topics
b. create relevant research questions
c. identify a variety of relevant sources
d. use text features to locate information
e. convert data into written notes
f. determine the accuracy of the information
g. differentiate between paraphrasing and plagarism
h. record bibliographic information to a standard format
Language Apply standard English grammar to:
a. use verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions fluently
b. create compound and complex sentences
c. capitalize appropriately
d. Alphabetize
e. punctuate dialogue
f. correct sentence fragments and run-on sentences
Apply morphology and phonetic rules to spell accurately
Speaking & Listening Develop and apply effective listening skills and strategies in formal and informal settings by:
a. following, generating, and justifying classroom listening rules
b. posing and responding to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information, making comments that contribute to the discussion, and linking to the remarks of others
c. following and restating multi-step instructions that involve a short related sequence of actions, according to classroom expectations
Develop and apply effective listening skills and stratgies in formal and informal settings by:
a. generating and following active listening rules, according to classroom expectations
Speak clearly and to the point, using conventions of language when presenting individually or with a group by:
a. contributing to discussion after listening to others’ ideas, according to classroom expectations
b. expressing opinions of read-alouds and independent reading and relating opinion to others
Speak clearly, audibly, and to the point using conventions of language when presenting individually or with a group by:
a. paraphrasing portions of a text read aloud or infomration presented in diverse media and formats
b. using efficient presentation skills with available resources
c. incorporating descriptive and sequential details in a student-designed or teacher-assigned topic
d. giving a formal presentation to classmates, using a variety of media
e. speaking with expression and fluency
f. adjusting formal/informal language according to context and topic
Number Sense & Operations in Base Ten Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic with numbers up to hundred million
Round multi-digit whole numbers to 10,000,000
Read, write, and identify multi-digit whole numbers up to hundred million using number names, base ten numerals, and expanded form
Compare two multi-digit numbers up to 100,000,000 using the symbols >, =, <, and justify the solution
Understand that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit represents 10 times what it would represent in the place to its right
Demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction of whole numbers within the millions
Multiply a whole number of up to 4 digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, and justify the solution
Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, and justify the solution
Number Sense & Operations in Fractions Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering
Recognize, generate, explain, and illustrate why two fractions are equivalent
Compare two fractions with like and unlike denominators using the symbols >, <, or = and justify the solution
Extend understanding of operations on whole numbers to fraction operations
Understand addition and subtraction of fractions by decomposing a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator
Solve problems involving multiplication of a fraction by a whole number
Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions (denominators of 10 or 100)
Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators of 10 or 100
Understand that fractions and decimals are equivalent representations of the same quantity
Read, write, and identify decimals to the hundredths place using number names, base ten numerals, and expanded form
Compare two decimals to the hundredths place using the symbols >,<, or = and justify the solution
Relationships & Algebraic Thinking Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems
Multiply or divide to solve problems involving a multiplicative comparison
Solve multi-step whole number problems involving the four operations and variables and using estimation to interpret the reasonableness of the answer
Solve whole number division problems involving variables in which remainders need to be interpreted and jusitfy the solution
Work with factors and multiples
Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors and find the multiples for a given whole number
Determine if a whole number within 100 is composite or prime, and find all factor pairs for whole numbers within 100
Generate and analyze patterns
Generate a number pattern that follows a given rule
Use words or mathematical symbols to express a rule for a given pattern
Geometry & Measurement Classify 2-dimensional shapes by properties of their lines and angles
Draw and identify points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular lines, and parallel lines
Classify two-dimensional shapes by their sides and/or angles
Construct lines of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure
Understand the concepts of angle and measure angles
Identify and estimate angles and their measure
Draw and measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor
Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit
Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units; convert measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit
Use the four operations to solve problems involving distances, intervals of time, capacity, weight of objects, and money
Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectanlges to solve problems
Data & Statistics Represent and analyze data
Create a line plot, bar graph, double bar graph, or line graph to display measurement data
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction by using information presented in a data display
Analyze data in a frequency table, line plot, bar graph, double bar graph, or picture graph
Analyze data from graphs to find the mean, median, mode, and range
Physical Science Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents
Provide evidence to construct an explanation of an energy transformation (i.e. temperature change, light, sound, motion, and magnetic effects)
Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another [Clarification Statement: Examples of devices could include electric circuits that convert electrical energy into motion energy of a vehicle, light, or sound and a passive solar heater that converts light into heat.  Examples of constraints could include the materials, cost, or time to design the device.  Assessment Boundary: Devices should be limited to those that convert motion energy to electric energy or use stored energy to cause motion or product light and sound.]
Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include knowledge of specific colors reflected and seen, the cellular mechanisms of vision, or how the retina works.]
Develop a model to describe that objects can be seen only when light is reflected off them or when they produce their own light
Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information [Clarification Statement: Examples of solutions could include drums sending coded information through sound waves, using a grid of 1’s and 0’s representing black and white to send information about a picture, and using Morse code to send text.]
Develop a model of waves to describe patterns in terms of amplitude or wavelength and that waves can cause objects to move [Clarification Statement: Examples of models could include diagrams, analogies, and physical models using wire to illustrate wavelength and amplitude of waves.  Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include interference effects, electromagnetic waves, non-periodic waves, or quantitative models of amplitude and wavelength.]
Life Science Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior and plant reproduction [Clarification Statement: Examples of structures could include thorns, stems, roots, colored petals, heart, stomach, lung, brain, and skin.]
Compare and contrast the major organs/organ systems (i.e. support system, digestive, transport/circulatory, excretory, response) that perform similar functions for animals belonging to different vertebrate classes. Also include Kingdoms, Phylums, Classes)
Use a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain, and respond to the information in different ways [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on systems of information transfer.]
Earth & Space Science Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and that their uses affect the environment [Clarification Statement: Examples of renewable energy resources could include wind energy, water behind dams, and sunlight; non-renewable energy resources are fossil fuels and fissile materials. Examples of environmental effects could include loss of habitat due to dams, loss of habitat due to surface mining, and air pollution from burning of fossil fuels.]
Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time [Clarification Statement: Examples of evidence from patterns could include rock layers with marine shell fossils above rock layers with plant fossils and no shells, indicating a change from land to water over time, and a canyon with different rock layers in the walls and a river in the bottom, indicating that over time a river cut through the rock. Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include specific knowledge of the mechanism of rock formation or memorization of specific rock formations and layers. Assessment is limited to relative time.]
Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects of weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation [Clarification Statement: Examples of variables to test could include angle of slope in the downhill movement of water, amount of vegetation, speed of wind, relative rate of deposition, cycles of freezing and thawing water, cycles of heating and cooling, and volume of water flow.]
Plan and conduct scientific investigations or simulations to provide evidence of how natural processes (i.e. weathering and erosion) shape Earth’s surfaces
Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth’s features [Clarification Statement: Maps can include topographic maps of Earth’s land and ocean floor, as well as maps of the locations of mountains, continental boundaries, volcanoes, and earthquakes.]
Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans [Clarification Statement: Examples of solutions could include designing an earthquake-resistant building and improving monitoring of volcanic activity.]
Engineering Design Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost
Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem
Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved
Civics With assistance, read and analyze the text of the Declaration of Independence to determine important principles that it contains including inalienable rights, government by the consent of the governed and the redress of grievances
Explain the major purposes of the U.S. Constitution
With assistance, research and analyze the text of the U.S. Constitution to determine important principles such as limited government, rule of law, majority rules, minority rights, separation of powers, checks and balances, and popular sovereignty
Explain the purpose and identify important principles of the Bill of Rights
Examine ways by which citizens have effectively voiced opinions, monitored government, and brought about change, both past and present
Describe the character traits and civic attitudes of historically significant individuals in American history prior to 1800
Recognize and explain the significance of national symbols associated with historical events and time periods being studied
Explain how the purpose and roles of government have been debated and have changed across historical time periods around the early settlements to 1800’s
Analyze peaceful resolution of disputes by the courts or other legitimate authorities in U.S. history from early settlement to c. 1800
Explain how authoritative decisions are made, enforced ,and interpreted by the state and federal government
Identify and explain the functions of the three branches of government in the federal government
Economics Compare and contrast saving and financial investment
Explain the relationship between profit and loss in economic decisions
Distinguish among natural, capital, and human resources
Conduct a public cost-benefit analysis
Explain how the government utilizes taxes to provide goods and services
Explain past and present factors that have influenced changes in state and regional economies
Geography Construct and interpret historical and current maps
Identify and locate specific regions, states, capitals, river systems, and mountain ranges in the United States
Identify and compare the diverse human geographic characteristics of the United States (cultures, languages, groups, populations)
Compare and contrast the different geographical regions of the United States
Analyze how people are affected by, depend on, adapt to, and change their physical environments in the past and in the present
Analyze how changes in communication and transportation technologies affect people’s lives
Identify different regions in the United States and analyze how their characteristics affect people who live there
Use geography to interpret the past and predict future consequences as appropriate to topics or eras discussed
History Describe the migrations of Native Americans prior to 1800. Describe the discovery, exploration, and early settlement of America by Europeans prior to 1800. Describe the reasons African peoples were enslaved and brought to the Americas prior to 1800
*Examine cultural interactions and conflicts among Native Americans, Immigrants from Europe, and enslaved and free Africans and African Americans prior to 1800 (Should be taught through the lens of Catholicism)
Identify and describe the contributions of historically significant individuals to America and the United States prior to c. 1800
Explain the causes of the American Revolution, including the perspectives of patriots, loyalists, Native Americans, African Americans, and European allies
Explain the factors that contributed to the colonists’ success
Describe the historical context for the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights
Explain how the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights affected people in the U.S. prior to c. 1800
Explain the causes and consequences of westward expansion prior to 1800
Describe and compare cultural characteristics across the historical time periods in U.S. history prior to 1800
Research stories and songs that reflect the cultural history of the early United States prior to 1800
Analyze the preservation of cultural life, celebrations, traditions, and commemorations over time
Identify the roles among Native Americans, Immigrants, African Americans, women, and others from early migration to 1800
Social Science Inquiry With guidance and support, select, analyze, and evaluate primary and secondary social studies sources
Analyze and use artifacts to share information on social studies topics
Use visual tools and informational texts to interpret, draw conclusions, make predictions, and communicate information and ideas with guidance and support, as needed
Create products such as maps, graphs, timelines, charts and models, diagrams, etc. to communicate information and understanding
Distinguish between fact and opinion and recognize bias and point of view in social studies topics
With assistance, conduct and present social studies research to an audience using appropriate sources
Generate compelling research questions about a social studies topic
Apply a research process to a compelling social studies question
Identify and use appropriate resources for investigating a compelling social studies question
Research an appropriate social studies question and share results with an audience
Computing Systems Model that information is translated, transmitted, and processed in order to flow through hardware and software
Identify, using accurate terminology, simple hardware and software problems that may occur during everyday use, discuss problems with peers and adults, and apply strategies for solving these problems (i.e. rebooting the computing device, checking the power, force shut down of an application)
Networks & Internet Model how information is transmitted through multiple computing devices over networks and the internet
Discuss real-world cybersecurity problems and identify strategies for how personal information can be protected
Data & Analysis Choose different storage locations (i.e. physical, shared, cloud) based on the type of file, storage requirements (i.e. file size, availability, available memory), and sharing requirements
Organize and present collected information visually to highlight comparisons
Determine how the accuracy of conclusions are influenced by the amount of useful and reliable data collected
Algorithms & Programming Compare and refine multiple algorithms for the same task
Create programs that use variables to store and modify grade level appropriate data
Create programs, using a programming language, that utilize sequencing, repetition, conditionals, and variables. Using math operations, manipulate values to solve a problem or express ideas both independently and collaboratively
Decompose (break down) large problems into smaller, manageable sub problems to facilitate the program development process
With grade appropriate complexity, modify, remix or incorporate portions of an existing program into one’s own work to develop something new or add more advanced features
Use an iterative and collaborative process to plan the development of a program that includes user preferences while solving simple problems
Observe intellectual property rights and give appropriate credit when creating or remixing programs
Analyze, create, and debug a program that includes sequencing, repetition, conditionals and variables in a programming language (i.e. Java, java Script, Python, Blockly, etc.)
Communicate and explain your program development using comments, presentations, and interactive demonstrations
Digital Citizenship Give examples of computing technologies that have changed the world and express how those technologies influence, and are influenced by, cultural practices
Brainstorm problems and ways to improve computing devices to increase accessibility to all users
Develop a code of conduct, explain and practice grade-level appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community (i.e. using strong passwords, creating a positive online community, recognizing spam and what to do about it, citing online sources). Identify and report inappropriate behavior and know how to report cyberbullying
As a team, consider each others’ perspectives on improving a computational product
Discuss the social impact of violating intellectual property rights
Innovative designer Know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts, or solving authentic problems
Select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risk
Develop, test, and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process
Exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance, and the capacity to work with open-ended problems
Create Brainstorm multiple approaches to a creative art or design problem
Collaboratively set goals and create artwork that is meaningful and has purpose to the makers
Explore and invent artmaking techniques and approaches
When making works of art, utilize and care for materials, tools, and equipment in a manner that prevents danger to oneself and others
Document, describe, and represent regional constructed enviroments
Revise artwork in progress on the basis of insights gained through peer discussion
Present Analyze how past, present, and emerging technologies have impacted the preservation and presentation of artwork
Analyze the various considerations for presenting and protecting art in various locations, indoor or outdoor settings, in temporary or permanent forms, and in physical or digital formats
Compare and constrast purposes of art museums, art galleries, and their venues, as well as the types of personal experiences they provide
Respond Compare responses to a work of art before and after working in similar media
Anaylze and discuss visual imagery that convey messages
Interpret art by referring to contextual information and analyzing relevent subject matter, characteristics of form, and use of media
Apply one set of criteria to evaluate more than one work of art
Connect Create works of art that reflect community cultural traditions
Through observation, infer information about time, place, and culture in which a work of art was created
Create Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose and context (such as social and cultural)
Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and simple accompanimnet patterns) within related tonalities (such as major and minor) and meters
Demonstrate selected and organized musical ideas for an improvisation, arrangement, or composition to express intent, and explain connection to purpose and context
Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording technology to document personal rhythmic, melodic, and simple harmonic musical ideas
Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal music, applying teacher provided and collaboratively developed criteria and feedback to show improvement over time
Present the final version of personally created music to others, and explain connection to expressive intent
Perform Demonstrate and explain how the selection of music to perform is influenced by personal interest, knowledge, context, and technical skill
Demonstate understanding of the sturcture and the elements of music (such as rhythm, pitch, and form) in music selected for performance.
When analyzing selected music, read and perform using iconic and/or standard notaton
Explain how context (such as social and cultural) informs a performance
Demonstrate and explain how intent is conveyed through interpretive decisions and expressive qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, and timbre)
Apply teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed criteria and feedback to evaluate accuracy and expressiveness of ensemble and personal performances
Rehearse to refine technical accuracy, expressive qualities, and identified performance challenges
Perform music, alone or with others, with expression and technical accuracy and appropriate interpretation
Demonstrate performance decorum and audience etiquette appropriate for the context, venue, and genre
Respond Demonstrate and explain how selected music connects to and is influenced by specific interests, experiences, purposes, or contexts
Demonstrate and explain how responses to music are informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as social and cultural)
Demonstrate and explain how the expressive qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, and timbre ) are used in performers’ and personal interpretations to reflect expressive intent
Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria and explain appropriateness to the context
Connect Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music
Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life
Movement & Manipulative Skills Use various locomotor skills in a variety of lead-up activities
Run for distance with appropriate control and balance
Combine traveling with manipulative skills in teacher or student-designed practice activities (i.e. dribbling, throwing, catching, and striking)
Demonstrate balance on different bases of support on apparatus, demonstrating levels and shapes
Move into and out of balances on apparatus with curling, twisting, & stretching actions
Demonstrate underhand throwing using proper technique with different sizes an types of objects
Demonstrate overhand throw with accuracy to a partner (or at a target) at a reasonable distance
Catch a thrown ball at all levels in a non-dynamic environment
Dribble in self-space with both the preferred and nonpreferred hands or feet using proper technique
Dribble safely in general space with control of ball and body while increasing and decreasing speed
Dribble with hands or feet in combination with other skills (i.e. passing, receiving, shooting)
Kick a ground ball, a lofted ball, and punt using proper technique
Strike/volley underhand using a mature pattern in a dynamic environment (i.e. 2 square, 4 square, handball)
Strike an object with a long-handled implement (i.e. hockey stick, bat, racket), while demonstrating three of the five critical elements of a mature pattern for the implement (grip, stance, body orientation, swing plane, and follow-through).
Strategy & Applying Skills Create jump rope routine with either a long or short rope
Apply simple offensive and defensive strategies and analyze which would work best based on opponent’s strategies
Health & Fitness Identify opportunities for participating in physical activity outside physical education class
Identify the basic benefits of physical activity
Identify the components of health-related fitness and activities that contribute to the development of each component
Attitude & Behavior Exhibit responsible behavior in independent and group activities
Listen respectfully to corrective feedback from others (i.e. peers, adults)
Accept players of all skill levels into the physical activity
Novice-Mid: With moderate teacher support, student can consistently…
Communication Engage in conversations, providing and obtaining information in the target language
Recite the Sign of the Cross, Hail Mary, and Our Father from memory
Use courtesies, greetings, and salutations in appropriate situations written and orally
Ask and respond to basic questions using interrogative words and vocabulary written and orally
State the name and sound of each letter of the alphabet and apply in oral and written expression
Engage in basic conversations in the target language using targeted vocabulary and grammar
Produce target vocabulary written and orally
Write simple sentences in the target language on various topics using targeted vocaulary and grammar concepts
Comprehension Understand written and spoken text in the target language on a variety of topics
Recognize familiar words, phrases, and questions (written and spoken) with visual/contextual support by applying prior knowledge
Comprehend age and level-appropriate reading passages in target language with visual/contextual support and by applying prior knowledge
Respond to classroom commands and questions given in the target language
Listen to native speech of the target language and discuss topics, words, and sounds from the spoken text
Vocabulary Acquisition Demonstrate understanding of target vocabulary by using words and phrases correctly during class discussions, conversations, and sentence formation
Vocabulary Topics:
cardinal numbers 0-2,000
time (hours + minutes)
school subjects and classroom objects
sports and leisure activities
singular and plural possessive adjectives
descriptive adjectives
interrogative words
definite and indefinite articles
general prepositions (i.e. of, with)
common infinitives
Geography & Culture Demonstrate understanding of different cultures by learning about traditions, perspectives, and daily life in countries where the target language is spoken
Identify location of countries/continents where target language is spoken on map (In Spanish: Mexico, Spain, Caribbean Islands, Central America, and South America)
Identify major traditional holidays and/or events celebrated in countries where the target language is spoken
Compare/contrast aspects of traditions, perspectives, and daily life in countries where the target language is spoken with one’s own traditions, perspectives, and daily life
Compare/contrast similarities and differences of target language with one’s own native language
Grammar Concepts Demonstrate knowledge of conventions of standard grammar of the target language when writing and speaking
Apply rule of gender and number agreement with nouns, adjectives, and definite/indefinite articles
Apply basic rules of word order (adjectives comes after nouns in Spanish)
Recognize subject pronouns in the target language
Conjugate the verb “to like” for singular subject pronouns to express likes and dislikes